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Welcome to RSTools

What are RS-Tools?

rs_tools is a toolbox of functions designed to handle all of the boilerplate code that comes with preprocessing. There is a high barrier to entry when working with remote sensing data for machine learning (ML) research. This is especially true for level 1 data which is typically raw radiance observations. There are often many domain-specific transformations that can completely make or break the success of the ML task. rs_tools seeks to lower the barrier to entry cost for ML researchers to make meaningful progress when dealing with remote sensing data. It features a standardized, transparent and flexible procedure for defining data and evaluation pipelines for data-intensive level 1 data products.

Agnostic Toolbox of Functions

We provide a suite of useful functions which can be used to clean level-1 remote sensing data to be used for downstream tasks. It is an agnostic suite of functions that can be piped together to create preprocessing and evaluation chains. We take care of all of the nitty-gritty details which are often common for these types of datasets. However, we take care not to hard-code anything and try to be as transparent as possible so that users can understand and modify the scripts for their own use cases.


We provide some hydra-integrated pipelines which allow users to do some high-level processing to produce ML-ready datasets. We follow best principles to be as agnostic as possible so that users are not bound by any ML-framework. In addition, we provide many small bite-sized functions which users can piece together in their own way for their own applications.

Data Downloader

With a few simple commands, we can download some raw level 1 data products with minimum preprocessing. We currently have data downloaders for MODIS Level 1 data, MSG Level 1 data, and GOES16 Level 1 data.

A user can get started right away by simply running the following snippet in the command line.

# GOES 16
python rs_tools satellite=goes stage=download
python rs_tools satellite=aqua stage=download
python rs_tools satellite=msg stage=download

Analysis-Ready Data

We have scripts to generate some analysis-ready data. These are datasets that have been harmonized under a common data structure. We try to keep as much meta-data as possible which could be useful for downstream tasks, e.g., coordinates, time stamps, units and cloud masks. A user can do some further analysis on these


A user can get started right away by simply running the following snippet in the command line.

# GOES16
python rs_tools satellite=goes stage=geoprocess
python rs_tools satellite=aqua stage=geoprocess
python rs_tools satellite=msg stage=geoprocess

For more examples, see our pipelines sections for MODIS, MSG and GOES16.

Machine-Learning Ready Data

We also feature some ML-Ready data which is immediately ready for ML-specific tasks. These are data that have already been divided into patches which sufficiently span the space for the ML task. A user can user whichever ML dataset/dataloader framework that they choose.


A user can get started right away by simply running the following snippet in the command line.

# GOES16
python rs_tools satellite=goes stage=patch
python rs_tools satellite=aqua stage=patch
python rs_tools satellite=msg stage=patch

Use Case: Instrument-to-Instrument Translation (Work In Progress)

We also feature an Instrument-2-Instrument translation use-case. See github/InstrumentToInstrument repo for more details. In the rs-tools library, we have a simple example training script.

python rs_tools ...