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get_daily_window(daily_start, end_time)

computes tuple of start and end date/time for each day for earthaccess call

Source code in rs_tools/_src/data/modis/
def get_daily_window(daily_start, end_time):
    """computes tuple of start and end date/time for each day for earthaccess call"""
    day = daily_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    daily_end = day + ' ' + end_time
    return (daily_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), daily_end)

modis_download(start_date, end_date=None, start_time='00:00:00', end_time='23:59:00', day_step=1, satellite='Terra', save_dir='.', processing_level='L1b', resolution='1KM', bounding_box=(-180, -90, 180, 90), earthdata_username='', earthdata_password='', day_night_flag=None, identifier='02')

Downloads MODIS satellite data for a specified time period and location.


Name Type Description Default
start_date str

The start date of the data download in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.

end_date str

The end date of the data download in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. If not provided, the end date will be the same as the start date.

start_time str

The start time of the data download in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is '00:00:00'.

end_time str

The end time of the data download in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is '23:59:00'.

day_step int

The time step (in days) between downloads. This is to allow the user to download data every e.g. 2 days. If not provided, the default is daily downloads.

satellite str

The satellite. Options are "Terra" and "Aqua", with "Terra" as default.

save_dir str

The directory where the downloaded files will be saved. Default is the current directory.

processing_level str

The processing level of the data. Default is 'L1b'.

resolution str

The resolution of the data. Options are "QKM" (250m), "HKM (500m), "1KM" (1000m), with "1KM" as default. Not all bands are measured at all resolutions.

bounding_box tuple

The region to be downloaded.

(-180, -90, 180, 90)
earthdata_username str

Username associated with the NASA Earth Data login. Required for download.

earthdata_password str

Password associated with the NASA Earth Data login. Required for download.

day_night_flag str

The time of day for the data. Options are "day" and "night". If not provided, both day and night data will be downloaded.

identifier str

The MODIS data product identifier. Options are "02" and "35". Default is "02".


Returns: list: A list of file paths for the downloaded files.





one day - successfully downloaded 4 granules (all nighttime)

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 8:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/

multiple days - finds 62 granules, stopped download for times sake but seemed to work

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --end-date 2018-10-9 --day-step 3 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 13:00:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/

test bounding box - successfully downloaded 4 files (all daytime)

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 13:00:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 -10 20 5

test day/night flag - successfully downloaded 1 file (daytime only)

python scripts/ 2018-10-15 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 10 -5 15 --day-night-flag day




one day - successfully downloaded 4 granules (all nighttime)

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 8:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/ --processing-level L2 --identifier 35




bounding box input invalid - throws error as expected

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --bounding-box a b c d

end date before start date - throws error as expected

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --end-date 2018-09-01

empty results - warns user as expected

python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 07:00:00 --end-time 7:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 -10 -5 -5

Source code in rs_tools/_src/data/modis/
def modis_download(
    start_date: str,
    end_date: Optional[str]=None,
    start_time: Optional[str]='00:00:00', # used for daily window
    end_time: Optional[str]='23:59:00', # used for daily window
    day_step: Optional[int]=1, 
    satellite: str='Terra',
    save_dir: Optional[str]=".",
    processing_level: str = 'L1b',
    resolution: str = "1KM",
    bounding_box: Optional[tuple[float, float, float, float]]=(-180, -90, 180, 90), # TODO: Add polygon option
    earthdata_username: Optional[str]="",
    earthdata_password: Optional[str]="",
    day_night_flag: Optional[str]=None, 
    identifier: Optional[str] = "02"
    Downloads MODIS satellite data for a specified time period and location.

        start_date (str): The start date of the data download in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
        end_date (str, optional): The end date of the data download in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. If not provided, the end date will be the same as the start date.
        start_time (str, optional): The start time of the data download in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is '00:00:00'.
        end_time (str, optional): The end time of the data download in the format 'HH:MM:SS'. Default is '23:59:00'.
        day_step (int, optional): The time step (in days) between downloads. This is to allow the user to download data every e.g. 2 days. If not provided, the default is daily downloads.
        satellite (str, optional): The satellite. Options are "Terra" and "Aqua", with "Terra" as default.
        save_dir (str, optional): The directory where the downloaded files will be saved. Default is the current directory.
        processing_level (str, optional): The processing level of the data. Default is 'L1b'.
        resolution (str, optional): The resolution of the data. Options are "QKM" (250m), "HKM (500m), "1KM" (1000m), with "1KM" as default. Not all bands are measured at all resolutions.
        bounding_box (tuple, optional): The region to be downloaded.
        earthdata_username (str): Username associated with the NASA Earth Data login. Required for download.
        earthdata_password (str): Password associated with the NASA Earth Data login. Required for download.
        day_night_flag (str, optional): The time of day for the data. Options are "day" and "night". If not provided, both day and night data will be downloaded.
        identifier (str, optional): The MODIS data product identifier. Options are "02" and "35". Default is "02".
        list: A list of file paths for the downloaded files.

    # =========================
    # MODIS LEVEL 1B Test Cases
    # =========================
    # one day - successfully downloaded 4 granules (all nighttime)
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 8:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/

    # multiple days - finds 62 granules, stopped download for times sake but seemed to work
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --end-date 2018-10-9 --day-step 3 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 13:00:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/

    # test bounding box - successfully downloaded 4 files (all daytime)
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 13:00:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 -10 20 5

    # test day/night flag - successfully downloaded 1 file (daytime only)
    python scripts/ 2018-10-15 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 10 -5 15 --day-night-flag day

    # =========================
    # =========================

    # one day - successfully downloaded 4 granules (all nighttime)
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 08:00:00 --end-time 8:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/ --processing-level L2 --identifier 35

    # ====================
    # ====================
    # bounding box input invalid - throws error as expected
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --bounding-box a b c d

    # end date before start date - throws error as expected
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01  --end-date 2018-09-01 

    # empty results - warns user as expected
    python scripts/ 2018-10-01 --start-time 07:00:00 --end-time 7:10:00 --save-dir ./notebooks/modisdata/test_script/ --bounding-box -10 -10 -5 -5

    # check if earthdata login is available
    _check_earthdata_login(earthdata_username=earthdata_username, earthdata_password=earthdata_password)

    # check if netcdf4 backend is available

    # run checks
    # translate str inputs to modis specific names
    satellite_code = _check_satellite(satellite=satellite)
    resolution_code = _check_resolution(resolution=resolution)"Satellite: {satellite}")
    # check data product
    if processing_level == 'L1b':
        data_product = f"{satellite_code}{identifier}{resolution_code}"
    elif processing_level == 'L2':
        # TODO: Implement other level-2 products or allow passing in data_product?
        # NOTE: Resolution argument not needed for cloud mask download
        data_product = f"{satellite_code}{identifier}_{processing_level}"
        raise ValueError("Incorrect processing level, downloader only implemented for 'L1b' and 'L2'")"Data Product: {data_product}")

    # check start/end dates/times
    if end_date is None:
        end_date = start_date

    # combine date and time information
    start_datetime_str = start_date + ' ' + start_time
    end_datetime_str = end_date + ' ' + end_time
    _check_datetime_format(start_datetime_str=start_datetime_str, end_datetime_str=end_datetime_str) 
    # datetime conversion
    start_datetime = datetime.strptime(start_datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    end_datetime = datetime.strptime(end_datetime_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    _check_start_end_dates(start_datetime=start_datetime, end_datetime=end_datetime)

    # compile list of dates/times 
    day_delta = timedelta(days=day_step)
    list_of_dates = np.arange(start_datetime, end_datetime, day_delta).astype(datetime)

    list_of_daily_windows = [get_daily_window(daily_start, end_time) for daily_start in list_of_dates]

    # check if save_dir is valid before attempting to download

    # check that bounding box is valid
    # TODO: Add option to add multiple location requests
    # NOTE: earthaccess allows other ways to specify spatial extent, e.g. polygon, point 
    # NOTE: extend to allow these options

    # create dictionary of earthaccess search parameters
    search_params = {
        "short_name": data_product,
        "bounding_box": bounding_box,

    # if day_night_flag was provided, check that day_night_flag is valid
    if day_night_flag: 
        # add day_night_flag to search parameters
        search_params["day_night_flag"] = day_night_flag

    # TODO: remove - logging search_params for testing"Search parameters: {search_params}")

    files = []

    # create progress bar for dates
    pbar_time = tqdm.tqdm(list_of_daily_windows)

    for itime in pbar_time:
        pbar_time.set_description(f"Time - {itime[0]} to {itime[1]}")
        success_flag = True

        # add daytime window to search parameters
        search_params["temporal"] = itime

        # search for data
        results_day = earthaccess.search_data(**search_params)

        # check if any results were returned
        if not results_day:
            # if not: log warning and continue to next date
            success_flag = False
            warn = f"No data found for {itime[0]} to {itime[1]} in the specified bounding box"
            if day_night_flag: warn += f" for {day_night_flag}-time measurements only"

        files_day =, save_dir) 
        # TODO: can this fail? if yes, use try / except to prevent the programme from crashing
        # TODO: check file sizes - if less than X MB (ca 70MB) the download failed
        if success_flag:
            files += files_day

    return files