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Bases: EditorPatch

Reorders bands in data dictionary.

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class BandOrderEditor(EditorPatch):
    Reorders bands in data dictionary.

    def __init__(self, target_order, key="data"):
            target_order (list): Order of bands
            key (str): Key in dictionary to apply transformation
        self.target_order = target_order
        self.key = key

    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        source_order = data_dict["wavelengths"]
        assert len(source_order) == len(self.target_order), "Length of source and target wavelengths must match."
        # Get indexes of bands to select
        indexes = [np.where(source_order == wvl)[0][0] for wvl in self.target_order]
        # Extract data
        data = data_dict[self.key]
        # Subselect bands
        data = data[indexes]
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict[self.key] = data
        data_dict["wavelengths"] = np.array(self.target_order)
        return data_dict

__init__(target_order, key='data')


Name Type Description Default
target_order list

Order of bands

key str

Key in dictionary to apply transformation

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
def __init__(self, target_order, key="data"):
        target_order (list): Order of bands
        key (str): Key in dictionary to apply transformation
    self.target_order = target_order
    self.key = key


Bases: EditorPatch

Selects a subset of available bands from data dictionary

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class BandSelectionEditor(EditorPatch):
    Selects a subset of available bands from data dictionary
    def __init__(self, target_bands, key="data"):
            target_bands (list): List of bands to select
            key (str): Key in dictionary to apply transformation
        self.target_bands = target_bands
        self.key = key

    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        source_bands = data_dict["wavelengths"]
        # Get indexes of bands to select
        indexes = [np.where(source_bands == wvl)[0][0] for wvl in self.target_bands]
        # Extract data
        data = data_dict[self.key]
        # Subselect bands
        data = data[indexes]
        assert data.shape[0] == len(self.target_bands)
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict[self.key] = data
        data_dict["wavelengths"] = np.array(self.target_bands)
        return data_dict

__init__(target_bands, key='data')


Name Type Description Default
target_bands list

List of bands to select

key str

Key in dictionary to apply transformation

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
def __init__(self, target_bands, key="data"):
        target_bands (list): List of bands to select
        key (str): Key in dictionary to apply transformation
    self.target_bands = target_bands
    self.key = key


Bases: EditorPatch

Normalize latitude and longitude coordinates

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class CoordNormEditor(EditorPatch):
    Normalize latitude and longitude coordinates
    def __init__(self, key="coords"):
        self.key = key
    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        lats, lons = data_dict["coords"]
        # Normalize latitude and longitude to range [-1, 1]
        lats = lats/90
        lons = lons/180
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict["coords"] = np.stack([lats, lons], axis=0)
        return data_dict


Bases: EditorPatch

Removes NaN values from data dictionary. Can also be used to replace NaN values of coordinates to remove off limb data.

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class NanDictEditor(EditorPatch):
    Removes NaN values from data dictionary.
    Can also be used to replace NaN values of coordinates to remove off limb data.
    def __init__(self, key="data", fill_value=0):
        self.key = key
        self.fill_value = fill_value
    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        data = data_dict[self.key]
        # Replace NaN values
        data = np.nan_to_num(data, nan=self.fill_value)
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict[self.key] = data
        return data_dict


Bases: EditorPatch

Returns mask for NaN values in data dictionary

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class NanMaskEditor(EditorPatch):
    Returns mask for NaN values in data dictionary
    def __init__(self, key="data"):
        self.key = key
    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        data = data_dict[self.key]
        # Check if any band contains NaN values
        mask = np.isnan(data).any(axis=0)
        mask = mask.astype(int)
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict["nan_mask"] = mask
        return data_dict


Bases: EditorPatch

Convert radiance values from mW/m^2/sr/cm^-1 to W/m^2/sr/um

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class RadUnitEditor(EditorPatch):
    Convert radiance values from mW/m^2/sr/cm^-1 to W/m^2/sr/um
    def __init__(self, key="data"):
        self.key = key
    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        data = data_dict[self.key]
        wavelengths = data_dict["wavelengths"]
        # Convert units
        data = convert_units(data, wavelengths)
        # Update dictionary
        data_dict[self.key] = data
        return data_dict


Bases: EditorPatch

Stack data dictionary into a single array

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class StackDictEditor(EditorPatch):
    Stack data dictionary into a single array
    def __init__(self, allowed_keys=["data", "cloud_mask", "nan_mask", "coords"], axis=0):
        self.allowed_keys = allowed_keys
        self.axis = axis
    def call(self, data_dict, **kwargs):
        # Select keys
        self.keys = [key for key in self.allowed_keys if key in data_dict.keys()]
        # Select data
        data = []
        for key in self.keys:
            values = data_dict[key]
            if len(values.shape) == 2:
                values = np.expand_dims(values, axis=self.axis)
        # Stack data
        data = np.concatenate(data, axis=self.axis)
        # Return numpy array
        return data


Bases: EditorPatch

Convert numpy array to PyTorch tensor

Source code in rs_tools/_src/datamodule/
class ToTensorEditor(EditorPatch):
    Convert numpy array to PyTorch tensor
    def __init__(self, dtype=torch.float32):
        self.dtype = dtype
    def call(self, data, **kwargs):
        # Convert to tensor
        tensor = torch.as_tensor(data, dtype=self.dtype)
        return tensor